
估你唔到抗敏之選: Mamonde Rose Water Soothing Gel

用到無嫁喇!依枝野其實都唔細枝,好似有30ml,買travel set 時包在combo裡。記得set combo 都好抵玩!好似有2片paper mask,一枝100ml Rose Water (注意係Rose Water, not hydrosol) 再加圖中Rose Water Soothing Gel 都好似只係幾10蚊唔洗1張紅衫魚。

It's totally gone. I bought it in a combo set and it's not small in size, around 30ml. The combo is very cheap. It's under HKD100 and come with 2 paper masks, 100ml rose water (it's toner with rose essence, not hydrosol) and this rose water soothing gel.

購入時已知道Mamonde 係amorepacific 旗下嘅開架品牌,好抵玩價錢,有make up 有skincare。本來係見咁平諗著平買粗用for body,而且總覺得韓國野多香料,仲要係大Group commercial brand 又平實唔會真係抗敏。

I've known this brand basic background before purchase. It's a drugstore brand under AmorePacific Group. The price range is mostly likely under HKD100 for both cosmetics and skincare items. I thought it's not something at good quality since it's under a giant commercial group at low price. And most of the Korea products are coming with artificial fragrance. I didn't think it can fight against skin irritation.

點知有D嘢就係咁神奇!話說早前做咗面部激光脫毛,乾到一個點。本來已經乾肌,打完laser更係乾到泛紅,唔小心揀嘢搽都會剌激。有日起office 真係乾得太緊要隨手拎咗依枝gel嚟搽,嘩!嗦晒仲即時降紅,冇咗D 吉吉痛同埋feel到皮膚識得嗦番水。之後有不適都係用佢,可以比得上我嘅抗敏好朋友廣源良菜瓜精華露

But! Surprisingly it does it's work well!!! I had a laser hair treatment for face a couple of weeks ago. For dry skin type like me, it's a total disaster. My skin turned red and irritating. I had to select skincare routine with high care. And I couldn't stand with the irritation in office one day, then I grabbed a soothing item near me randomly. The redness is gone and the skin the soothed and quenched. It's really amazing! I kept using it after the first impressive performance till my skin condition resumed. It works as well as my all-time-favourite soothing product: 廣源良菜瓜精華露

Product List:
Mamonde Rose Water Soothing Gel 多功能玫瑰水保濕凝膠 ₩9,900/300ml 

Van's Beauty Garden